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This place has been an anchor point for the port and shipping community for decades. Even before World War II, a seaman’s house stood on this spot. Sailors and dock workers came here to eat, drink, and rest after long days at sea. Located at the heart of the port’s hustle and bustle, it was a natural harbor for them.

After the war, Norwegian workers rebuilt it as a hotel, and the bar and brasserie became a popular meeting spot for the maritime world. To this day, it remains a port of call for seafarers and guests connected to the shipping industry. Owned by Thon Hotels, the brasserie still carries that Norwegian legacy.

The name "Toen" is a playful nod to "Thon," the Norwegian hotel chain. In Norway, "Thon" is pronounced as "Toen." Additionally, "Toen" evokes a sense of nostalgia, referencing the past.